Our Beginning

We’ve learned a lot about the glorious process of becoming something more than the eyes can see.
It comes with starting where you are.
Adding a little vision.
Sprinkling in compassion.
& giving the project your all.
The practice of yoga is just like that.
We have to come to the mat with all we are.
We nurture what is already there, & we offer compassion instead of criticism to bring out more good.
Eventually, we get to see all we can be, & the transformation is beautiful.
Come & experience that kind of transformation for yourself.
Right here.
Right now.
Exactly as you are.
Broken pieces & old parts & all that’s been held up inside–they’re a part of your story,
& they’ll add to the beauty you find.

Where it all began…
I’m an average woman with more than a few roles to play and lot of responsibilities weighing on my shoulders. I’m a wife, a mom, a sister, a daughter, a neighbor, and a friend. I like to be involved wherever I can. I like to go, go, go and do. all. the. things. And I also like to curl up in my room, alone with a good book for hours at a time.
My life is the epitome of ebbing and flowing. Some days are miraculous and amazing, and others fill me with tears of worry and sadness. But through all the ups and downs, I am amazed that I’m alive, I’m running—sometimes very slowly, I’m creating, and I feel so. much. joy!
After a few years of really hard thing after really hard thing, I had started to wonder if I’d ever really feel good again.
I was unsure of myself. I struggled to find the balance I needed to keep moving forward. I didn’t know how to cope with the chaos in my world, and the feeling of helplessness began slowly eating away at my physical health, mental stability, and emotional capacity. And that’s when my practice of yoga completely changed.
First on the mat and then in all parts of my life, I found deep connection within myself and a sense of compassion for my journey that I hadn’t realized before. I learned how to breathe with intention. I recognized what my body was telling me about the experiences I was having in real life. I learned to say no, and then how to whole-heartedly say yes. I honored my needs for movement and for stillness, and I started to see myself as a truly sacred being on a truly sacred journey.
My circumstances didn’t change overnight, but I learned that I was strong enough to confront them. I had the power to make my life whatever I wanted it to be. I learned to view others with greater love and respect. I learned to hear, and see, and feel with greater depth. And I recognized, somewhere along the way, that I felt really good. Maybe even better than I ever had before.
Now I seek to help others find that same kind of goodness: that feeling of belonging, self-love, and radiating joy that fills me up on the daily. A sense of confidence that comes from inside you and not from what other people have to say about you.
If you or your child have struggled to find calm in the chaos, peace in the pressure, and self-assurance in the face of struggle, we’d love to work with you. Drop us a line or come in for a class.
Let’s get started on this journey together.