Meet Our Instructors

Jen Singer

My practice of yoga drastically changed when I came to my mat in desperation to heal. To piece my life back together. Trauma, stress, and a life flipped upside down had me feeling like I was spinning in circles all the time.

But on my mat, with the gentle instructions of a mentor who’d been where I was, I was able to connect with a deeper part of myself and find my true strength. Light-giving wisdom came from inside of me. My body had messages to share. My heart knew what I needed next. And as I began to listen to those underlayers, I felt dramatic shifts in my world.

Now I love sharing the gift of yoga as a way to connect body and mind, spirit and soul, and I feel honored to give back to the community in a way that I know can be so healing.

While I specialize in working with women who have experienced varying degrees of trauma, I feel a deep love for all my students–young and old, male, female, non-binary, injured, athletic, novice or seasoned yogis. Through physical movement, guided focus on breath, and time to listen and learn from all the layers of the self, the experience at Sol Luna has been transformative for all our students.

yoga for athletes

Mika Blain

Mika began practicing yoga in 2013, first as a physical practice. Over time, the practice became more spiritually based.

In 2022, Mika completed her 200hr YTT in Bend, Oregon. While she initially began the teaching course to deepen her own practice, she soon felt a strong desire to share yoga’s immense healing powers with others through teaching.

Mika’s style is dynamic, powerful, and sweaty, with space for softness and self care. Come expecting to sweat and to find your inner strength.

Morgan Todd

Morgan’s journey to Breathwork began in 2017 after she attended a women’s retreat that featured Holotropic Breathing. Little did she know, this experience would put her on a trajectory toward deep healing and personal development.

After this retreat, Morgan went on to obtain her Master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy and worked as a therapist for trauma survivors in San Diego, CA. When her husband was accepted into grad school, they moved to Salt Lake City, UT where she then accepted a new role in Corporate Leadership. While in the corporate space, Morgan noticed a gap between management & direct reports and began her next journey of advocating for person-centered leadership. She provided trainings on stress management, collaborative coaching, and wellness while also adding new certifications in Career Counseling, Breathwork, and Human Design Coaching.

Morgan moved to Klamath Falls in June 2023 finding a home at Sol Luna in the most serendipitous way.

Morgan’s teaching style is fueled by a passion for educating and empowering each of her students to live without “shoulds”, forge new ways of being, and to push the boundaries of authentic self-expression. She believes the breath is the most powerful and underrated tool for healing and she is honored to bring this practice to SolLuna.

Alyssa Triana

At the age of 11, I remember finding a 90’s yoga VHS tape in my house. I hadn’t grown up around yoga but I remember the tape standing out to me. It intrigued me. Alone in my room I practiced the 90 minute sequence nearly everyday. I remember using a belt as a strap and a stack of books as blocks.

I look back on that time and now, in hindsight, it all seems so serendipitous. It was my initiation into yoga. It started with the physical practice, but over time it evolved into a deeper understanding and integration of the other aspects of yoga.

At that time in my life, especially, I struggled to develop healthy relationships, self confidence, and self acceptance. Ever so quietly, yoga reminded me of the power and wisdom I hold within myself.

I teach yoga in the hopes I can introduce this path of self healing and self awareness to others. The physical practice (asanas) is great, though there is so much more to yoga. It truly is a discovery into the self, which then transforms the external world we each experience individually and collectively. I don’t think anyone “comes back” to yoga but instead, continues to dive deeper into it, and into the self. I think we all have a desire to heal and to keep learning about ourselves and the world around us.

yoga for all levels

Margaret Grygiel

As a mental health professional, Margaret promotes mindfulness activities & trauma-informed care interventions.

She discovered just a few years ago that the practice of yoga provides us with the ability to become more focused in the here and now & is an evidenced-based practice in reducing the effects of trauma.

Through her work, Maragaret gets to witness on a daily basis how these interventions provoke change in individuals.

She was set to get her YTT training in 2020, however, COVID hit & her goal of becoming a certified yoga teacher was put on hold. In May of 2023, she finally achieved her goal of becoming a yoga instructor through Yoga Farm Ithaca learning the Radiant Warrior practice.

Margaret is originally from Anaheim, California. She is grateful that Klamath Falls brought her to a supportive yoga community.

Lily Sereno

Originally from California, Lily moved to Oregon with her family 8 years ago. Struggling to find balance in a new job and new community, Lily eventually found her way to Sol Luna Yoga studio as a student.

Lily was first introduced to yoga in highschool; while she had a few breaks in her consistent yoga practice along the way, yoga was always something she came back to when needing to ground herself. The comfort and strength yoga provided her in dedicated practice inspired her to dive deeper. 

In Spring 2024 she began her journey at the Mahasana Yoga School and completed her 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training. Lily’s yoga background is in Hatha Vinyasa yoga. She is so excited to be able to share this mindful practice with her students in a way that is welcoming, meaningful, and conducive to students personal goals.

Hollis Baley

Hollis Baley is a best-selling author, master breathwork facilitator, and life coach specializing in deep inner healing and resolving hidden generational trauma.

With a rich background in psychology, trauma therapy, breathwork, somatic experiencing, inner healing, and faith-based coaching, she helps clients address challenges related to relationships, mental health, and chronic health conditions.

Hollis believes that addressing life's immediate challenges - usually connected with past traumas or hidden inherited family trauma - at their root leads to profound healing.

Her mission as a coach is to create a safe space for her clients to do their own inner healing. When you feel safe, your body relaxes and you are able to return to a natural state of health, clarity, and happiness.  Everyone deserves to experience joy simply for being alive!

Hollis supports others in reclaiming their childlike innocence and sovereignty, paving the way for her clients to live with greater freedom and purpose.

Taylor Alves

Taylor has been a student of yoga for over 10 years. During the last year, she has earned her Ashtanga yoga instructor certification and was fortunate to learn directly from a master Ashtanga teacher in a one-on-one setting. This intimate mentorship helped solidify her commitment to sharing this practice with others.

Taylor’s teaching style is inclusive and hands on, ensuring that all levels of practitioners feel welcome in her classes without judgement. Taylor aims to hold space for her practitioners to experience this ancient art in a way that promotes joy and fun. Join her class to gain flexibility, strength and connect with your true self.