Events & Workshops

Breath of Freedom Retreat
with Hollis

Part I:

Foundations for Inner Healing & Transformation

September 28th
9 AM - 5 PM

Imagine breaking free from the challenges and suffering that weigh you down. Many people focus on their external environments and life circumstances, believing that it’s because of “X, Y, & Z” that life isn’t the way they want it to be. But pointing to external problems does little to create true healing or transformation.

So, how do we transform our lives and move beyond burden and drama? The answer lies in Inner Healing. Rather than focusing on what’s outside, we turn inward to embrace what’s happening within us.

Imagine being free from inner negativity—letting go of victim-based thoughts, blaming others, and engaging in negative self-talk. True freedom comes from clearing out outdated belief systems and limited perceptions that hold you back, and replacing them with empowering, positive, and resourceful mental patterns.

The Breath of Freedom retreat is your opportunity to do just that. During this transformative day, you’ll take an honest look at the inner workings of your mind, identifying the thoughts and beliefs that have been barriers to your breakthrough. You’ll learn how to rewrite your story, creating a life filled with resilience, resourcefulness, and positivity.

Your journey of inner healing begins by shifting your focus from the external world to your inner landscape. In this retreat, you’ll be guided to uncover the unseen forces—your thoughts, beliefs, and subconscious patterns—that shape your life. By tapping into the untapped 95% of your consciousness, you’ll open yourself to profound growth and transformation.

Through the powerful practice of Connected Conscious Breathing, you’ll identify and release the outdated beliefs and inner dialogues that drive dysfunction and suffering in your life. This practice is more than just a tool; it’s a direct pathway to your soul and your connection with God, helping you uncover the true causes of your challenges.

The benefits of this retreat extend far beyond the day itself. You’ll walk away with:

  • Freedom from Inner Negativity: Release the self-limiting thoughts and beliefs that have kept you stuck.

  • Deepened Gratitude: Cultivate a profound sense of thankfulness that transforms how you experience life.

  • Undeniable Faith: Strengthen your trust in yourself and in the divine, providing you with the resilience to face life’s challenges.

  • Soul Connection: Deepen your relationship with your true self, gaining clarity on your purpose and direction.

  • Resilience and Empowerment: Build the inner strength to navigate life’s ups and downs with grace and confidence.

Just as sound healing and homeopathy transform energy, this breathwork will clear blocked patterns and elevate you to higher vibrations of joy and abundance. As you integrate these new insights, you’ll experience life with renewed clarity and purpose, making transformation not just possible, but inevitable.

Join us for the Breath of Freedom retreat and leave with a stronger foundation for a life filled with meaning, joy, and abundance. This is more than just a day of breathwork; it’s a step toward the freedom and happiness in sovereignty you’ve been seeking.

Part II:

Heal Your Lineage,
Heal Your Life

October 19th
9 AM - 5 PM

We are not just the sum of our own experiences; we are also shaped by the lives and traumas of our ancestors. This one-day retreat, Breath of Freedom: Heal Your Lineage, Heal Your Life, is dedicated to uncovering and healing the hidden generational trauma that may be influencing your life in ways you don’t even realize.

Just as we inherit our eye color and blood type, we also inherit the emotional residue from the traumatic events that have occurred in our family history. While physical traits are easy to see, this emotional legacy often remains hidden. Phobias, illnesses, emotional struggles, anxiety, depression, financial worries, and even unhappy relationships can all stem from this unconscious inheritance.

In this retreat, you’ll learn how the unresolved traumas of your parents, grandparents, and even great-grandparents can manifest in your life as unexplained fears, obsessive thoughts, physical symptoms, and emotional challenges. These inherited patterns can shape your relationships, career choices, and sense of self-worth, often without your awareness.

But the cycle doesn’t have to continue. Breath of Freedom: Heal Your Lineage, Heal Your Life is an act of liberation. By acknowledging and addressing these inherited patterns, you can break free from the burdens of your ancestors’ past experiences and create a new blueprint for your life and the generations to come.

Through powerful practices and guided exercises, this workshop will help you:

  • Recognize and Acknowledge Inherited Patterns: Understand how generational trauma manifests in your life and begin the process of healing.

  • Heal Emotional Legacies: Release the emotional burdens passed down through your family line, freeing yourself from the unconscious influences of the past. This will inevitably result in improving your relationship with yourself, and everyone in your life!

  • Create a New Legacy: By healing your lineage, you pave the way for a healthier, more empowered life for yourself and future generations.

  • Experience Emotional Liberation: Break free from feelings and situations that aren’t truly yours, allowing you to live a life of greater peace, joy, and fulfillment.

This retreat is more than just a day of healing; it’s a profound step towards reclaiming your life from the shadows of the past. Join us and begin your journey to break the cycle of inherited trauma and create a legacy of freedom and resilience.

**This workshop is a powerful follow-up to the Breath of Freedom: Foundations For Inner Healing & Transformation retreat. However, you can still attend this retreat if you did not attend the previous Breathwork Retreat.


Valued at $300+

What You Can Expect:

  • Many participants experience immediate relaxation

  • Reduced anxiety

  • Heightened self-awareness

  • A stronger sense of connection and self-empowerment

    This somatic, immersive experience provides profound shifts in how you feel and move through the world — leaving you lighter, clearer, and more centered.

    Both full-day workshops are offered on a sliding scale, starting at $150 per workshop, with the option to give more as you can.

    Scholarships are available, and limited. Reach out and learn more.