
Glow provides the opportunity for individuals to
heal, refocus, & connect
more deeply with themselves through a series of private, individualized yoga sessions.
These sessions will be
catered to your exact needs.
We will work together to explore your unique body & mind in order to help you
come out on the other side feeling
confident, centered, and glowing.

But why choose individual sessions?

prenatal yoga and preventative health

Pregnancy & Preparation for Labor & Delivery

To be pregnant is to be vitally alive, thoroughly woman, & distressingly inhabited. Soul & spirit are stretched–along with body–making pregnancy a time of transition, growth, & profound beginnings.
— Anne Christian Buchanan

Maybe you’re expecting a baby, and you want a plan to help your body adjust to an ever-growing child. The stretching you’re feeling, the back aches and muscle cramps and overall discomfort of pregnancy can make your normal routine so difficult. Not only can yoga help you find comfort, freedom, and more natural movement now, but it can also help prepare you for the powerful experience of labor and delivery. The mindfulness you bring to that experience will make all the difference in helping you enjoy and savor this milestone event you are about to pass through. You need someone who has used yoga for those very things, who can guide you through the physical, emotional, and mental blocks that often come up during this special time.

yoga for athletes

Athletic Tailoring

And by pushing past our comfort zone, we not only climbed that mountain, we became the person who could climb that mountain.
— Michael D’Aulerio

Or maybe you’ve been a regular at gyms for many years. You already consider yourself an athlete. But you know your routine is missing an important step in whole-body strength. You want to explore a new way of approaching your fitness goals. You’ve maybe heard about the benefits of yoga, but aren’t sure how a consistent practice would look in your busy athletic regime. What’s yoga if it’s not just stretching or breathing? Is there more that can help you reach your goals? You are open to a new perspective to help move you into a more integrated space between, body, mind, and spirit. You need the guidance of an athlete who has tried it all and uses yoga daily as an indispensable part of her athletic practices. You need someone who knows how to move you from where you are to where you want to be.

yoga to heal body mind and soul

Physical/Emotional Trauma or Mental Health Needs

The wound is the place where the light enters you.
— Rumi

Perhaps you’ve endured some kind of physical or emotional trauma, and your body is taking a toll. Your stress levels are rising. You feel tight and tense. You notice yourself reacting to outside influences before you’ve even had a chance to think about your response. You know you need to move your body, but you’re not sure how. A regular, individualized yoga plan, specializing in trauma healing, is an amazing tool that can help you come back to yourself and thrive. You need the guidance of an instructor who has used yoga as part of her own healing from traumas of various kinds. You need someone who can tune in to exactly what your body needs and can cue each breath, each thought, each movement for your physical, emotional, and mental benefit.

postpartum recovery through yoga

Postpartum Recovery & Mental Health Needs

You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody.
— Maya Angelou

Maybe you’ve just delivered a baby, and the reality of this new life is settling in. You know the first year postpartum is incredibly important in healing your body. Your time is absolutely precious, and you are working hard to balance the new physical and emotional demands in your life. Hormones are all over the place. You find yourself sometimes just feeling very overwhelmed. Maybe even struggling with depression or anxiety. You want to help your body recover from the experience of pregnancy and labor. You want to make sure every minute of your time is spent wisely. You need a physical and mental practice that gives you more than it takes out of you. Yoga can offer the physical healing you need, and it can allow your mind to settle, to find peace in the midst of chaos, and to rejuvenate you body and soul. You need the guidance of a mother who has been there herself and knows the kind of effort it takes to calm the mind and recover the body, all while offering it love and gratitude for the miracle it has just participated in.

Whatever your reason, you have a place here.
Our goal is always to help you find what’s already inside,
kindle that fire, & glow brilliantly.

It would be an honor to work with you,
to learn from you,
& to witness your growth here.

We offer sessions for individuals & groups, ranging from 30-60 minutes, each.

Come and let us help you glow!