Sol Luna Kids

At Sol Luna Kids, we believe that children are full of light and goodness.
We strive to nurture healthy development and build confidence in children and teens to keep that light burning brightly!

Our classes offer age-appropriate movement with music and rhythm.
We talk, we play, we explore, and we laugh!

Both on and off the mat, kids get to learn how to express themselves in positive ways, listen to their body cues, and make informed decisions with the power of their growing minds.

Parents and kids walk away with greater social and emotional awareness,
and a higher capacity to manage the stresses and uncertainties of life.

Classes for Kids


Yoga for Babies, Toddlers, &
Kids (ages 0-5) with their Caregiver

45 minutes

For all those families with little ones who like to move, this is the class for you! Parents or Caregivers participate with children as we learn yoga poses, sing, play, and dance through stories and songs.  With a predictable routine each session and a quick pace for children to enjoy, this class offers a fun and energetic way for littles of every age to explore the world with their amazing bodies.


Yoga for Elementary (Ages 5-12)

45 minutes

Elementary students are especially primed for learning through their bodies, so we use this time to teach social and emotional skills through movement.  With a predictable class routine, students will explore their inner world with breath, stretching, dancing, and basic yoga poses.  We will use our imaginations to take safaris in the jungle, scuba dive in the ocean, blast off to outer space, and more.  Students will walk away being able to practice basic skills in their everyday life, enhancing mindfulness and connectedness within themselves and with others.


Yoga for Teens (Ages 13-18)

45 minutes

Teenage life can be full of turbulence and stress that can sometimes feel overwhelming.  A consistent practice of moving your body with  mindfulness can be a great way to help manage a changing body and changing life circumstances.  Students in this class will learn important life skills—like self compassion, trust, centeredness, grounding, maintaining boundaries, and so much more—while improving physical strength and flexibility, mobility, and muscle tone.  Whether already involved in other activities or looking to get started with something, this class bridges gaps and helps everyone feel welcome and empowered.

Join a Sol Luna Kids Class

With package options available, as well as drop-in style, we want to make joining a class for your little one as accessible as possible. Check out the options below & sign up!