Heal and Support Your Hormones with These 6 Yoga Poses
Hormone health is a hot topic right now. More and more, people are looking to find ways to balance and heal their hormones as we learn hormones actually play a large role in our overall health. And, unfortunately, as we learn of the many disruptors to our hormones within our current world.
Perhaps still under the radar as a potent healing tool, is yoga. In the mainstream, yoga is sometimes portrayed as a simple exercise routine that can increase flexibility and release stress. And sure, it can do all that. But it can also help you balance and heal your hormones through the various branches and practices within yoga.
First though, let’s learn a little more about the role hormones actually play in your body.
How your hormones play a key role in your health
Your endocrine system is a vital player in maintaining homeostasis within your body.
What’s homeostasis? Simply, it’s harmony and balance within your body.
Your endocrine system consists of your adrenals, pituitary gland, hypothalamus, pancreas, thyroid gland, and maybe the more obvious one – reproductive hormones. They include hormones like cortisol, serotonin, dopamine, testosterone, progesterone, estrogen, aldosterone, oxytocin, insulin, melatonin, epinephrine, norepinephrine – and more.
These hormones are the chemical messengers that travel throughout your circulatory system to the various parts of your body to maintain homeostasis… keeping you happy and healthy.
They control and regulate your body processes such as growth and development, metabolism, temperature control, blood sugar control, repair, and reproduction.
Can you see now how hormone balance is HUGE in your overall health?
So, how does yoga support hormone health, anyway?
Yoga encompasses a number of different branches, with various different practices in each, that contribute toward your overall health.
Just in learning about the endocrine system, it was clear that there are many bodily systems involved in the endocrine system and its processes: the circulatory system, the reproductive system, the digestive system, the cardiovascular system. Through its various practices, yoga balances and supports each of these systems.
Asanas and Your Hormones
Have you ever been to a yoga class and were in a supine twist and heard your instructor say this pose helps with detoxification? Have you ever wondered how that makes sense?
Well, it’s actually shown that when we make certain movements and hold certain postures, it can literally stimulate and ‘massage’ that organ. What’s possibly even cooler, is our organs secrete and ooze hormones when they are stimulated.
So as you forward fold, the actual motion of bending forward and folding your body, massages and stimulates the organs there, secreting hormones your body needs to function properly.
How amazing is your body?!
Pranayama and Your Hormones
Another branch of yoga that has a powerful effect on your hormones is pranayama, or breathwork.
Did you know that certain pranayama practices actually massage either the glands themselves or the muscles around the glands? What happens is as the breath massages these glands and muscles, it also stimulates blood flow which then triggers the activation of hormone release.
Conversely, the deep breathing practice slows down the hormone release of cortisol, our stress hormone. Resulting in that deep calm that you feel as you practice breathwork through pranayama, or through your asana practice.
Some of these breathwork practices include Uujayi breath and Bhastrika.
Meditation and Your Hormones
While meditation does not have a direct effect on stimulating or massaging the organs, per se, it does calm the parasympathetic nervous system, similarly to how pranayama does. Whenever you are able to regulate your nervous system through quiet meditation you’ll be actively helping to balance your hormones as well.
Seriously, the body is incredible!
Asanas to support your hormone health
Now that we’ve explored the amazing benefits of yoga on your hormones, here are some yoga postures, or asanas, that you can practice right from home to support and balance your hormones.
Forward Fold
Forward fold promotes stress and anxiety relief, and also stimulates the thyroid gland.
Begin by standing tall on your mat. Inhale and lengthen through the spine. Exhale and hinge at your hips as you fold forward. Allow your upper body to either hang freely or support your hands on blocks.
Cobra Pose
Cobra pose helps to stimulate ovarian function.
Begin laying on your stomach. Place your hands and forearms on the mat, your shoulders in line with your elbows. Gently lift your chest while keeping your forearms grounded on your mat.
Bridge Pose
Bridge pose helps to balance thyroid function.
Begin laying on your back. Plant your feet, hip-distance apart. Plant your hands alongside you. Inhale, lift your hips up and hold. When you’re ready to release this pose, gently roll your spine back down to the mat.
Fish Pose
Fish pose opens the chest and throat and increases blood flow to the thyroid gland.
Lay on your back and bring your hands under your hips, framing your tailbone. Using your elbows to lift you, inhale and lift your back and head off the mat completely. Then rest the crown of your head back down to the mat, keep your back arching and lifting. Hold.
Camel Pose
Camel pose stimulates the adrenal glands, helping to reduce stress and anxiety.
Start on your knees with your chest and hips lifted. Inhale your arms overhead. As you exhale, choose your hand placement option: 1.) both hands to your lower back as you arch back, 2.) one hand on your lower back, the other on your heel, 3.) both hands on both heels as you arch back and lift your chest.
Additional factors to consider for hormone health
While yoga plays a significant role in supporting hormone health, lifestyle and dietary choices are equally important. A holistic, whole-body, approach should include:
Balanced Diet: Opt for a balanced diet rich in whole foods, healthy fats, and lean proteins to support hormone production and regulation.
Adequate Sleep: Prioritize quality sleep, as it is crucial for hormone secretion and overall health.
Reduce Toxins: Minimize exposure to environmental toxins that can disrupt hormone balance.
Mindful Technology Use: Limit screen time and digital device usage, especially before bedtime, to promote better sleep and reduce stress.
Heal and balance your hormones with us!
You’re never alone in your health journey! And sometimes it all just starts with a simple step, a simple practice, and community to help keep you determined and motivated. Whether you’re aiming to support and balance your hormones or simply create balance in your life overall, join us for a class and begin your journey now!