This 30-minute Yoga Sequence Will Help You Embody the Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
Friday, May 5 - Saturday, May 6 there will be a Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. If you’re in North America during this time this eclipse won’t be visible in the sky, however, the energy of it all will absolutely be felt.
Eclipse seasons happen roughly every six months. If you recall, there was a solar eclipse on April 19-20, which kicked off the eclipse season for 2023!
With this lunar eclipse in Scorpio, you can expect emotions to be heightened and feel a little more sensitive than usual. Because Scorpio is a water sign and all about deeper emotions, intuition, and inner psyche, you may notice subconscious thoughts and beliefs coming to the surface for guidance, transformation, release, and clearing.
With this Full Moon Eclipse, you can expect closure or a resolution of something that has been lingering. This can be a potent time for transformation and change … and this change can come with ease.
Trust your inner guidance.
A Yoga Sequence for Emodying Scorpio Energy
Scorpio may be “emotional” but that’s also its superpower. When you tap into your inner wisdom and surrender to the inevitable change and transformation that comes with life, you shine a light on your resiliency, your strength, and your courage. You walk toward the person, and the soul, that you are, in all its authenticity.
Because Scorpio represents change and transformation, there are three key phases of its evolution: scorpion to serpent to eagle.
With that evolution in mind, enjoy this yoga sequence, creatively tailored to help you embody the energy of this Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. The practice aims to focus on spinal flexion and twists, and hips, as these are areas of the body associated with Scorpio.
1. Child’s Pose
Begin the practice in child’s pose.
Knees may be together or toward the edges of your mat.
Hips sink toward your heels, arms reach to the top of your mat, forehead rests on the mat
2. Thread the Needle, both sides
From child’s pose, bring your right arm under your left.
Place your right shoulder on the mat, turning your head to the left.
Repeat on the other side.
3. Cat-Cow
Come to tabletop position.
As you inhale, arch your back, lift your gaze.
As you exhale, round your back and bring your chin toward your chest, pressing into your hands to round your shoulders as well.
Repeat 3-4x
4. Downward Dog
From cat-cow, exhale and find downward-facing dog.
Heels draw down toward the mat.
Hips raise to the sky.
Your belly draws in toward your spine.
Shoulders roll away from your ears, down your spine.
Fingertips spread wide.
Hold for 3-5 breaths.
5. Forward Fold
Step to the top of your mat and fold forward.
Hold for 3-5 breaths.
6. Chair Pose
Inhale, sink your hips down toward the mat as your arms swing up along your ears.
Keep your chest lifting and your hips sink lower.
Hold for 3-5 breaths.
7. Vinyasa with Cobra Hold, repeat 3x
From chair pose, forward fold.
Inhale, halfway lift.
Exhale, forward fold.
Inhale, halway lift and plant your palms at the top of your mat.
Hold your breath as you step back to plank.
Exhale as you bend your elbows, lowering your body to lay flat on the mat.
Inhale, and extend your arms into cobra, back arching, gaze lifting to the sky.
Hold this pose 3-5 breaths.
Exhale into downward dog.
Repeat 3x
8. Eagle Pose
Inhale and step to the top on your mat – forward fold.
Inhale and halfway lift.
Exhale and forward fold.
Inhale and swing your arms up overhead, coming to stand.
Sink your hips low as you momentarily move to chair pose.
Begin to enter eagle pose by bringing your right elbow over your left, forearms reaching up to the sky, left palm resting against the inside of your right palm.
Relax your shoulders.
Then take your right leg and cross it over your left knee. If able, tuck your right toes behind your left calf.
Hold for 3-5 breaths.
9. Vinyasa with Cobra Hold, repeat 3x
See above.
10. Eagle Pose on other side
See above.
11. Vinyasa → Warrior II → Reverse Warrior → repeat on other side
From vinyasa downward dog, inhale your right leg forward, between your hands.
Make your back foot parallel to the back of your mat.
Create a right angle bend in your front knee.
Pinwheel your hands up and into Warrior II.
Hips are open toward the long end of your mat.
Hold here for 3-5 breaths, or
Create a dynamic flow by lifting your arms and straightening your front leg on the inhale,
and coming back to Warrior II on the exhale.
Exhale, bring your left hand to touch your left leg, and extend your right arm to the sky.
Reverse Warrior
Hold here for 3-5 breaths.
Repeat on the other side.
12. Pigeon, both sides
From downward dog inhale and lift your right leg to the sky.
Exhale and bring your right knee behind your right wrist.
Your right ankle is either behind your left wrist, or toward your left hip bone.
Reach your left leg toward the back of your mat.
Sink your hips toward the mat and make sure they are level with each other.
You can keep your chest lifted or lower your chest toward the mat, resting on your forearms, head on your hands, or head on your mat as your hands stretch forward.
Repeat on the other side.
13. Seated Forward Fold
From pigeon on the left, lift your chest and sit onto your left hip.
Swing your feet in front of you and keep your legs straight and together.
Sit up and straighten your spine.
Inhale your arms up overhead.
Exhale and fold forward, reaching your hands for your legs or feet.
You can keep your back flat, or round your back and shoulders.
Hold for 3-5 breaths.
14. Supine Twist, both sides
Lay back on your mat.
Inhale and bring your knees into your chest.
Exhale and rotate your knees to the right, resting them on the floor or a bolster or pillow.
Keep both shoulders pressing into the mat.
Turn your head toward your left shoulder.
Hold for 5-7 breaths.
Repeat on the other side.
15. Reclined Butterfly
Inhale your knees back into your chest.
Bring the soles of your feet together.
Release your feet down to the mat.
Place your hands wherever you choose.
Hold for 5-7 breaths.
16. Savasana
Find corpse pose.
Arms and legs flat on the mat.
Roll your shoulders underneath you.
Begin to release and relax all your muscles and allow your eyes to close.
Focus on full and deep breaths and remain here for at least 5 minutes – longer if you’ve got the time.