Opportunities Abound: 3 Ways to Give Back Locally This Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving week is right around the corner. While Thanksgiving is marketed heavily in the western world as a time to enjoy delicious food, watch the football game, and the Macy’s Day Parade, it’s also a day of gratitude. A time to celebrate family, enjoy the company of loved ones, and remember and give thanks for all of the privileges we have in our lives.
And to keep in perspective that not everyone has the opportunity to experience those same privileges.
But that’s the beauty of community. And why we’re so passionate about not only cultivating and nurturing our own community at Sol Luna Yoga, but giving back to our greater community within Klamath County as well.
For the second consecutive year, Sol Luna Yoga is dedicating the week of Thanksgiving to practicing gratitude and giving back. And we want to use this blog space to share all the details and information you need to know so you can be a part of that giving as well.
And we’re making it as simple as just stepping onto your mat.
‘Tis the Season for Thanks & Giving
Community and connection heal. What benefits the whole, benefits the individual. The phrase “it takes a village” couldn’t be truer. Community and connection heal because it reminds us that no one is alone in this life. We are all trying to navigate as best we can and no one is immune to needing help and support from time to time.