Authentic Communication from Your Throat Chakra and 4 Ways to Get There

"Honest, open communication is the only street that leads us into the real world… We then begin to grow as never before. And once we are on this road, happiness cannot be far away.” – John Joseph Powel

The Throat Chakra – Vishuddhi in Sanskrit – translates as “pure,” or “purification.” The Throat Chakra seeks authenticity in communication and authenticity in expression… pure authenticity.

Before we begin, take a moment to bring your attention to your throat.

Visualize Vishuddhi

Sitting or lying down, begin with your eyes closed.

Relax your shoulders away from your ears.

Allow your spine, neck, and the crown of your head to lengthen up toward the sky. 

Allow your tongue and jaw to relax as you feel your throat becoming more open.

Notice as you breathe, how this feels within your throat.

Start to elongate and deepen each breath, allowing an ocean sound to form as you breathe.

What sensation does this create within your throat?

Begin to visualize a blue orb of light sitting right in the center of your throat.

Notice the hue and brilliance of the blue

And begin to watch as it circles around and around, like a vortex.

What do you notice as you watch this?

What do you feel?

Do you notice any emotions, tightness, expansion?

Continue to deepen into your breath,

Listen to the sound of each one.

Open your eyes and continue when you’re ready.

Vishuddhi: Authentic Communication

The Throat Chakra is your center for pure, authentic communication and expression. As you travel from the love and connection of the Heart Chakra, the Throat Chakra asks you to draw in the loving energy from the Heart and allow that to be the guiding force behind your communication. 

The Throat Chakra encourages you to be mindful and intentional in your communication and expression… and sometimes that can be easier said than done, for many reasons.

Authentic communication can be challenging if you believe you’ll be judged for your words. 

If you feel your words will be turned against you. 

If you fear those you love will abandon or reject you for speaking your truth.

And so much more. There are many reasons you may hold back from speaking authentically, or expressing yourself as you truly desire. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Or that those reasons are true!

As we move further into this Chakra Series, you can begin to see the connections each chakra has with the others, and how they work so seamlessly together. They each have an impact on the other.

Activating your Throat Chakra – speaking authentically – is supported when you’re speaking with love, from your heart center. But it’s also about drawing up that confidence and self-assuredness that your Solar Plexus holds. And that confidence is boosted when you’re feeling safe and grounded within your Root and Sacral.

Balance vs. Imbalance in the Throat Chakra

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you know you should speak up, either for yourself, or someone else, but suddenly you begin to notice your heart start racing. Your hands become sweaty. You already know that if you try to speak, you and everyone else around you will surely hear your voice quivering and you’ll be done. Tears, breakdown, shutdown.

Yeah. You’re not alone. 

Sometimes it’s super obvious when we’re not allowing ourselves to speak our truths, or if there’s a block within the Throat Chakra.

Here are some other ways to discern if there’s an imbalance within your Throat Chakra:

  • Sore throat

  • Hoarseness

  • Thyroid issues

  • Jaw tension

  • Neck pain

  • Frequent headaches

  • Fear of judgment, self-doubt

  • Difficulty communicating within relationships

  • Inhibited creativity

  • Difficulty expressing yourself

Conversely, when this chakra is balanced, you experience decreased difficulty in expressing yourself and communicating within relationships and confidence in expressing yourself and your creativity. 

Open Up Lines of Communication

The Throat Chakra can be a really fun Chakra to work on healing and cleansing! Seriously, it’s not necessary to master public speaking in order to heal your Throat Chakra. Wouldn’t that be dreadful?!

Nope. Instead, you can start just by singing more in your car or shower, or chanting during your meditation. Even humming helps to activate this chakra! The point is, it can be way easier than you think. 

Here are some other ways to open up this chakra, and get the energy flowing properly. 

Authentic Affirmations for the Throat Chakra

Because this is the Throat Chakra we’re talking about, it’s recommended to verbally say these affirmations aloud – a little extra boost. 

  • I communicate confidently & with ease.

  • I feel comfortable speaking my mind.

  • I am balanced in speaking and listening.

  • I feel free to express my creativity.

  • I set clear boundaries.

  • I am an active listener.

  • I speak my true thoughts with clarity.

Breathwork for the Throat Chakra

Just like the opening mindfulness exercise, breathwork that will be especially activating for the Throat Chakra is one that you can feel within your throat. The most obvious breathwork techniques for this are Uujayi and Lion’s Breath.


Uujayi breath can take some time to master because there is a feeling and sensation component that goes with it. 

Uujayi breath is done with your mouth closed as you breathe in and out of your nose. In addition, there is a hollowing effect happening in your throat where you push the air toward the back of your throat as you inhale and exhale. 

For some people, lightly touching the tip of your tongue to the bottom of your top teeth helps create this “hollow” effect in the throat.

If your breath begins to sound like an ocean wave, you’re on the right track!

Lion’s Breath

Lion’s Breath can be fun and silly to practice, as well as effective! For the full effect of this breath, especially on the Throat Chakra, you can practice this breathing technique while in cat-cow pose. 

Round your back into Cat as you inhale, breathing through your nose. As you exhale, arch your back into Cow Pose and open your mouth, allowing your tongue to fall out toward your chin and exhale from the back of your throat. Almost as if you’re roaring like a Lion.

If you’re looking to learn more about breathwork and how this can create healing for you, check out our breathwork classes available at the studio!

5 Asanas for Throat Chakra Activation

During your physical asana practice, you’ll want to focus on poses that either open up the throat, or create some kind of bend or constriction. Both will allow the energy to start flowing so follow your own intuitive guidance on which ones to practice when.

Camel Pose

Begin upright on your knees, with your knees hip-distance apart. As you inhale, reach your arms overhead. As you exhale, you have a few different options:

  1. Bring both hands down to the small of your back and arch backward.

  2. Bring one hand down to one heel while your other hand stays at the small of your back.

  3. Bring both hands down to both heels and keep your chest reaching up toward the sky. 

For all of these options, draw your glute muscles together to help support your lower back.

Fish Pose

Begin lying on your back and bring your hands under your hips, framing your tailbone. Zip up your legs and point your toes. As you inhale, press your elbows into the mat as you lift your back and head off the mat completely. Turn your gaze behind you as you release your head back and place the crown of your head back down onto the mat. Breathe deeply into your chest as you feel your heart center open and expand. Hold here as long as you’d like. 

Shoulder Stand/Candle Pose

Begin lying on your back. There are a few options to get into this pose, and all include core engagement as a key factor. 

Option 1: Begin to roll back and forth on your spine. Once you have momentum, roll back onto your neck and as you do, bring your hands to your lower back, supporting your back and legs, pressing into your elbows. From here, keeping your core engaged, extend your legs up straight in the air. 

Option 2: With your palms pressing into the mat alongside you, bring your knees into your chest and your hands to your lower back. You can first extend your legs overhead and over your shoulders into Plow Pose, before then extending your legs straight up. 

Option 3: Drawing in your core, draw your knees into your chest, hands at your lower back, as you extend your legs up straight in the air. 

*You can also place a blanket under your neck and shoulders for added support here.

Cobra Pose

Begin lying on your stomach. Bring your hands under your shoulders and extend your arms straight, lifting your chest and opening through the throat. Hold here as long as you’d like. 

Plow Pose

Begin on your back and draw your knees into your chest. Bringing your hands to your lower back, begin to extend your legs over your shoulders and over your head and allow your toes to either touch down to blocks above your head, or down to the floor. Hold as long as you’d like. 

*You can also place a blanket under your neck and shoulders for added support here.

Speak with Intention

Where or when or with whom do you notice restrictions in your communication? In your authenticity? In your self-expression? Allow yourself some time for reflection and some time to practice some simple exercises if you notice feeling blocked in your Throat Chakra. 

If you’re seeking a community to help you along this journey, we’re here with you along the way. 


A Time of Sacred Ancestral Connection: 5 Ways to Connect & Heal


Infinite Depths of the Heart Chakra: Deepen into the Heart with These 5 Yoga Poses